Who we are

About our church

Duis a lectus at sapien ultricies tempor Ut placerat sapien suscipit ultricies. Praesent ut elementum.

Pellentesque ullamcorper ligula sit amet laoreet gravida. Proin feugiat, leo id euismod eleifend, arcu ligula ullamcorper diam, aliquam ultrices justo tortor eu risus. Aliquam vehicula, arcu facilisis imperdiet dictum, quam libero pellentesque lorem, ut tristique dolor neque quis nulla.

our history

our people

What We Believe In

  • Monthly Prayer in the Home
    Do you have a Prayer Request for 2017? If so, post it here so that others can pray with you! Also, please take a moment to read our Monthly Prayer Guide as you continue to trust God concerning your prayer requests.  We welcome your comments and the opportunity to serve...
  • Nursing Home Outreach
    Details for Monthly Events Coming Soon!...

Our Philosophy

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Vivamus hendrerit nunc eu quam vehicula, id scelerisque orci ultrices. Integer aliquet odio sit amet neque pulvinar orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque corper ligula sit amet laoreet.

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